Are Feathers a Sign of Pest Infestation?

There are often plenty of signs of infestation before a pest problem gets out of hand. Since the critters that invade our homes come in so many shapes and sizes, we need to be on the lookout for any indication there are active pests on the property.

Key Points:

  • Feathers found inside the home may be a sign of pest activity.
  • Inspections should take place at least twice a year in attics, crawl spaces, and near food and dry storage areas.
  • Signs that an infestation is bad include damage to property, health and safety concerns, pests being consistently visible, unafraid of humans, and pest control not working.

In most situations, simply monitoring the pests and staying on top of their population can be all that’s required to keep your home and lawn safe.

But if you see signs of termites or bigger pests that can cause physical damage to your structures, like birds and rodents, then you may need to address the issue immediately. Noticing early warning signs can save you a ton of money if you can prevent large-scale indoor pest infestations, and fortunately, some signs are common with a variety of pest problems.

Find out how feathers can be used as an indication of pest activity in the article below. 

What Are the Most Common Signs of Pest Problems?

The thing about common pest infestations is that critters tend to enter a home together. Some signs, like insect trails and bent edges of grass blades, may be hard to detect. But if you have small critters entering your home, then chances are there are bigger animals watching that will leave more noticeable signs. 

Since birds prey on insects and small critters that can easily enter homes, it is not uncommon for there to be a nearby breeding ground complete with bird nests, feathers, and pest droppings.

Although you are unable to see the signs of insect infestation, like insect waste, you can see the nesting signs and bird feathers and usually parts of dead pests.

When you start to notice these more obvious signs and take a closer look, pest droppings and urine trails can cause discoloration and streaks on walls and surfaces. Discovering these and other grease tracks can help you hone in on the exact methods of pest control needed.

Without pest management, the number of issues will continue to mount, and your home may suffer the consequences.

Signs of immediate pest damage include bite marks, damaged packaging in food and dry storage areas, shredded paper, and damaged screens and entry points. Destructive pests need to be stopped right away before you need to splurge for commercial pest control solutions. 

Pest Signs and Where to Find Them

There are some classic signs of pest infestation and common places to look. Regardless of obvious signs of nuisance pests, all of these locations should be checked for pest growth and activity at least twice a year. An outdoor pest infestation can become an indoor one in spaces like attics, crawl spaces, and near food and dry storage areas.

Along with the obvious places on our structures, the effects of pest issues can usually be seen in humid or damp places and where a leak has appeared. Since water is critical to the life of every pest we encounter, a leak is a good find and can allow populations to explode.

This can also happen in locations where soil and plants touch the walls and foundation of the home. A pest control program to protect these vulnerable areas can go a long way. Below are common pest signs and where to find them. 

SignWhere to Find ItWhat It Means
NestsInside roofs and eaves and near where insects liveBirds or other animals have found suitable conditions in and around your home to survive and have claimed the territory as their own
Insect PartsAlong entryways and near insect tunnels and colonies A large population of insects exists and is being hunted or adjusting to environmental constraints 
Dead PestsInside tight spaces of homes and near nests and structures The conditions for pests were not ideal, and some predator was ready for an emerging food source 
Putrid SmellsHard-to-reach areas and places not frequently cleanedEvidence of pest droppings or dead creatures inside your home
Structural DamageNear entryways and old, worn areas of the home Pests are able to enter your home through gaps they create, and repair and fortification are needed 
Wildlife MovementFrom your home to your yard and back Animals are living in your yard or home and using your lawn as their own to find food, mate, or whatever else their biological needs are. 
Grease MarksOn walls and structures Pests have passed over these places enough to leave evidence through grease from skin and feathers being deposited on walls and surfaces 
Droppings and Urine StainsNear tight spaces and around the perimeter of the homeAnimals are entering your yard to either try and find a place to live or to locate a food source 
Pest SoundsAnywhere pests may be living or activePests are present currently, which can indicate a good time to deal with them or, in the case of using an exclusion device, a bad time to seal the space. 

When Is a Pest Infestation Considered Bad?

Pest signs are a part of life, and something homeowners and renters alike have to deal with. But when is a pest problem considered a big deal and professionals are needed? Below are some indicators your pest infestation is bad. 

  • When pests are causing damage to your property
  • When the pests represent a clear health and safety concern for people or pets
  • When pests are visible continuously, such as in the case of ant trails or cockroaches 
  • When pests are unafraid of humans, common with mice and other rodents
  • When no pest control methods have been successful, the pest population is continuing to grow and causes problems

What Do Feathers Inside My Home Mean?

If you see feathers inside your home, it can mean a couple of things. Most likely, birds have entered an open area of your home or are nesting near enough that feather accumulation is possible. When we open our doors or windows and feathers are nearby, they can get sucked inside; this is a regular occurrence with birds like pigeons hangout. 

Other times it could mean a predator caught birds near your home, and the feathers are a result of the struggle. Sometimes cats outside will take down a bird, and a pile of feathers will blow around. It is entirely possible that a few may end up inside or in places I don’t normally check.

I have discovered feathers discarded in this way under a porch and thought it was a nest until I investigated more closely. 

Feathers may also mean birds have at some point entered areas of your home and, depending on the situation, either nested previously or found an unsuitable spot and bailed. Even if the birds are long gone, the feathers in dry spaces could take years to break down and may indicate that you have had birds in your home and that it could happen again.

Make sure to seal the entryways and look for feathers and other signs of pest infestations near your home.