Can Spider Mites Survive In Carpet?

Spider Mite

Spider mites are tiny pests that can cause significant damage to plants. They are commonly found in gardens, greenhouses, and indoor plants. Spider mites are not limited to plants and can thrive in various environments. They are known to infest carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics. Quick Answer: Spider mites are primarily plant pests and are … Read more

How Does Baking Soda Kill Ear Mites?

Cat Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny parasites that live in the ears of animals, causing irritation and discomfort. Baking soda can be an effective and affordable way to eliminate these pests. While baking soda can be an effective treatment for ear mites, it is important to note that it should not be used as a substitute for … Read more

Soil Mites Vs. Root Aphids: Similarities and Differences


Soil mites are tiny creatures that live in soil and feed on organic matter, while root aphids are insects that feed on plant roots. Both pests can cause significant damage to plants, but they differ in their behavior and the type of damage they cause. Soil mites are generally considered beneficial to plants as they … Read more

Does Lysol Kill Bird Mites?

Bird Itching

Bird mites are tiny parasites that feed on the blood of birds but can also infest human homes. They are commonly found in bird nests and can easily spread to other areas of the house. Bird mites can cause skin irritation and itching and can be difficult to get rid of. Quick Answer: Lysol can … Read more

Can Harvest Mites Live In The House?

Harvest Mites

Harvest mites, also known as chiggers, are tiny red mites that are commonly found in grassy areas during the summer and fall months. These mites are known for their ability to attach themselves to humans and animals, causing itchy and uncomfortable bites. Quick Answer: Harvest mites, or chiggers, are primarily outdoor pests. While they might … Read more

Do Ladybugs Eat Spider Mites?


Ladybugs are a common sight in gardens and are often seen as beneficial insects due to their ability to control pest populations. Spider mites are tiny arachnids that feed on the sap of plants, causing leaves to yellow and wilt. They reproduce quickly and can quickly infest a garden if left unchecked. Quick Answer: Yes, … Read more

How Long Can Spider Mites Survive Without Food?

Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny pests that can cause significant damage to plants by feeding on their sap. They are known to infest a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. Quick Answer: Spider mites can last days to weeks without food, depending on species and conditions. While they can endure short food … Read more

Does Pine Straw Attract Termites?

Termites in Pine Straw

Pine straw is a popular landscaping choice for many homeowners. However, there is a question that frequently arises when it comes to pine straw – does it attract termites? Quick Answer: Pine straw doesn’t inherently lure termites, but its moisture retention can foster conditions they favor. Termites thrive in damp environments. If using pine straw … Read more

Wood Mites Vs. Termites: Key Differences And Infestation Signs

Termite Damaged Wood

Wood mites and termites are often mistaken for each other due to their similar appearance and wood-dwelling habits. However, they are distinct creatures with noteworthy differences. Wood mites, also known as woodlice, belong to the crustacean family and primarily feed on decaying organic matter. Termites, on the other hand, are wood-feeding insects that can cause … Read more

When Are Termites Most Active?


Termites are well known for their destructive behavior, causing significant damage to wooden structures and crops. Understanding the times when termites are most active can help homeowners and property managers take appropriate measures to prevent infestations and minimize damage. Quick Answer: Termites are most active in spring and summer, especially during swarming season. In warmer … Read more