Will Dawn Kill Mites on Dogs? Understanding the Benefits and Limitations

Mites on dogs can be a serious issue. Most of the time, this is something we dog owners will catch early, but in cases of rescues or just in some extreme situations, our dogs may end up with different types of mites.

Some mites are relatively harmless, just annoying your dogs until they are able to get rid of them.

Quick Answer:

Dawn dish soap can help wash off mites from dogs but isn’t designed to fully eradicate them. While it may reduce mites, it won’t eliminate an infestation. If your dog has mites, consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and appropriate, potentially medicated treatments.

Other types of mites can lead to dry skin, hair loss, and secondary infections like the sarcoptic mite. This type of mite spreads scabies and can lead to disaster in multi-dog homes, shelters, and kennels.

If your dog does end up with dangerous mites, will Dawn dish soap kill mites on dogs, and If so, how can we do it? Let’s find out. 

Can Dawn Dish Soap Remove Mites?

Warm water in a spray bottle with dish soap will not be very effective against mites. Filling a bathtub with soapy water and getting the entire hair coat of your dog submerged will be far more effective. Demodex mites cause hair loss and can be removed using the soapy water method above. While Dawn dish soap may not completely eradicate the mites, it may help with a little relief, and the bath water may wash off most of the adults. 

It is safe to use Dawn on dogs and pets since it is used to clean up animals after oil spills and other gentle but tough tasks. If you cover the dog’s entire body, then these natural remedies will remove the outer protective skin of mites and expose them to dehydration and other life-threatening conditions.

But eggs may not be wiped out as Dawn soap has no lingering effects that will kill future generations like eggs or larvae. 

Does My Dog Have Mites?

Even though it may be difficult for humans to see mites on their dog’s bodies, the constant itching and redness on the body is usually a giveaway. Along with the constant scratching, you will also see an increased reddening of infected spots. Medications given at this point can help relieve some of the discomforts and possibly be combined with ingredients that can systemically free your animal of mites. 

If treatment is not forthright, then your dog may begin to have hairless patches, crusty spots, and other indicators of canine scabies. Infections in dogs can spread to other animals and even to human skin making it exceedingly important for pet parents to treat a mite infestation right away. Skin scrapes and other results of constant itching will just grow worse. 

Ear mites will cause redness and dark residue on the ears. Demodex mites or fur mites lead to a thickening of the skin where they bite and lat eggs as well as oily spots. Cynotis mites, blakei mites, and other pests can cause different issues but will still be identifiable as in need of drastic treatment of mites. 

Dog mites can be seen on your dog, but they appear like flakes of dandruff; if you see walking dandruff, your dog probably has mites. Ear mites can only be seen using a microscope and are too small to see with the naked eye, but their effects can be observed easily. Using oil against mites and getting your vet to get scrapings for mites to verify are great initial options to relieve your canine buddy from their discomfort. 

Mite Removal Methods For Dogs

Vet Removing Mite From Dog

Just like human skin, harsh chemicals or too much cleaning will dry out our dogs’ skin. When treating your dog’s entire body, it may be unpleasant if the wrong chemicals are used. Some ingredients, like borax, may stop the complete life cycle of mites, but it can irritate your dog’s skin, so other gentler solutions may be better. 

Any treatment you end up using should be left on for at least 5 mins before you rinse off to give the chemicals time to react with the mites. For the treatment of mites with oils and apple cider vinegar, you can leave it on to air-dry, which will lead to more dead mites faster. Afterward, just wash your dog again to clean off any dead skin and stubborn female mites with eggs. 

The exact levels of penetration and the amount of time an active ingredient needs to kill the mites are determining factors in how it is applied, but the longer you can keep your dog still with the treatment, the better. Mites are tough, and in most cases, repeat treatments will be needed to completely kill off these pests. After you are able to get rid of them, think about ways to prevent reinfestation on your dog’s coat 

Dawn Dish SoapApply, sit, rinseKills adult mites on your canine buddy but may not stop all the fur mites and mite eggs from returning
Apple Cider VinegarApply, sit, rinseQuickly wipes out mites on your dog’s coat and also helps to soothe raw skin and fur, helping to reduce pest chances in the future allow the solution to air-dry with no towel drying allowed for best results
Mite ShampooApply, sit, rinseIf it contains sulfur, most will die immediately, and the rest will fall off over the next couple of days

What Are Dog Mites?

Dog mites are little arachnids that bite, crawl, and lay eggs all over your pets. They can spread rapidly among animals and can cause serious discomfort and illness in dogs. Worst of all different, mites get on dogs which can lead to several types of health problems or infections at once.

Mite infestations can lead to serious health problems if untreated, and understanding which mites are after your dog can help you deal with them faster. Some common mites are Sarcoptes mites, Demodex mites, and ear mites, and this is what they do. 

Sarcoptes Mites

A sarcoptic mite can cause a highly contagious infection in canines. These tiny mites look similar to spiders and crawl or burrow underneath the dog’s skin. Once there, they lay eggs which can hatch in 3 to 10 days. The infections left by these mites can lead to scabies which results in rapid hair loss, bacterial or fungal infections, and low energy.  

Ear Mites

These mites can live in the dry skin around and inside the ears of dogs. They are a common type of mite and lead to skin irritation around the ears, head, and neck, as well as head shaking and obvious discomfort. They are invisible to the eye and can only be seen under a microscope, usually by a vet. 

Demodex Mites

these mites cause demodectic infection in dogs if there are weak or have a compromised immune system. Demodex mites live on the hair follicles, and their presence doesn’t always lead to bacterial infections. If it does and the dog develops red mange, it needs help getting rid of the Demodex mites and ending the infections in dogs in your home.

Dogs with mites can develop severe allergic reactions, and an effective treatment stronger than Dawn dish soap will be needed to get rid of all evidence of mite larvae, adults, and eggs.