Are Racoons Afraid of Owls?

Raccoons are fascinating creatures widespread in North America, frequenting all sorts of habitats, from wetlands to urban areas. These nocturnal mammals are known for their mischievous nature and unique physical characteristics, which some folks find entirely adorable.

Key Points:

  • Raccoons are known for their mischievous behavior and can cause significant problems for homeowners by raiding gardens and trash cans.
  • Some homeowners use fake owls as a deterrent for raccoons, but it is unclear if raccoons are actually afraid of owls.
  • While raccoons and owls may interact with each other in various ways, it is unlikely for owls to pose a substantial threat to raccoons due to their size difference.

However, although these fluffy creatures might seem cute, they can create significant problems for homeowners. In just a few short hours, a couple of raccoons can wreak havoc on your garden, stealing your fresh fruits and vegetables. Or, they might target your trash can, tearing into trash bags to pilfer delectable food scraps, leaving strewn garbage in and around the can.

So, to deter raccoons, many homeowners have turned to the relationship between owls and raccoons, hoping to use fake owls as a deterrent. But are raccoons actually afraid of owls? Let’s find out.

Raccoons and Owls

Raccoons and owls are two animals that roam all over North America. While they might seem entirely unrelated and unlikely companions, they share a complex relationship that is worth exploring.

Habitat and Behavior

As we consider the relationship between raccoons and owls, it’s essential to understand the basics of their habitat and behavioral normalities.

Raccoons are known for their adaptability, as they can handle a variety of habitats, including forests, wetlands, and urban areas. They’re primarily nocturnal creatures, using the cover of night to complete their typical business. While they aren’t overly picky and will get into just about any food, they usually consume insects, fruits, and small animals.

On the other hand, owls prefer forests and other wooded areas, usually sticking to less populated areas due to the abundance of trees. Owls have excellent night vision, as their enormous eyes bring in ample light, which allows them to hunt at night.

Unlike raccoons, which often travel in loose-knit communities, owls are solitary creatures. You might hear their call, a mournful hooting sound weaving through the silence of the dark.


While quite different in many aspects, Raccoons and owls interact with each other in numerous ways. For one, raccoons may raid an owl’s nest to steal its eggs or young, as they make an excellent food source for raccoons.

However, raccoons might not frequent areas where owls are regularly present, as they may perceive them as a threat. If they are residing in the same area, they may compete for resources, like food and shelter, which can lead to conflict between the two.

Will an Owl Eat a Raccoon?

To answer the question as to whether an owl will snack on a raccoon, it’s essential to understand the size of each creature.

First, let’s start with a raccoon. Like most animals, raccoons can vary drastically in size, ranging from around seven to 20 pounds as full-grown adults. They’re usually between 23 and 38 inches long, including their tails, so they’re not particularly small.

On the other hand, owls aren’t massive creatures, although some species are larger than others. Most owls are between 5 and 28 inches long, with wingspans between one and 6.5 feet. Despite the considerable wingspan of larger owls, they don’t weigh much.

For example, the Great Horned Owl, one of the larger types, usually weighs around four pounds. However, while they can carry bigger creatures, like domestic cats and skunks, their smaller size doesn’t allow them to prey on much larger animals.

For the most part, owls prey on smaller animals, like rodents, birds, and insects. However, it isn’t unheard of for a larger owl species to attack and kill larger animals, including small raccoons. That said, it isn’t a common occurrence, as many raccoons are too large for an owl to carry away.

So, while owls and raccoons may interact with each other in various ways, it’s unlikely for owls to pose a substantial threat to raccoons. However, their relationship is complex and often varies based on factors specific to the situation, including habitat and resource availability.

Raccoon Fear Response


When evaluating the relationship between raccoons and owls, it’s essential to understand the basics of the raccoon fear response. Like most living creatures, raccoons have evolved with certain mechanisms to ensure their survival.

Sensory Perception

Raccoons possess highly developed senses that enable them to pick up on potential threats in their environment. They have an acute sense of smell that allows them to detect the scent of predators from a distance.

On top of that, they have solid eyesight and hearing, which allow them to detect movement and sound in their surroundings.

Fight or Flight Response

Like many animals, raccoons often respond to potential threats with a fight or flight response. If they feel they can successfully defend themselves against the threat. However, they often flee the situation if the threat proves too great.

When raccoons are presented with a threat, they usually exhibit one or more of several behaviors that are designed to help them skirt danger. For example, they might freeze in place, attempting to remain unseen. Or, they might rapidly scale a nearby tree to avoid the clutches of a predator.

Alternatively, they might hiss, growl, or attack if they feel threatened. So, although owls rarely prey on raccoons due to their size, raccoons may perceive them as a threat because of their size and predatory nature. However, the question of whether raccoons are actually afraid of owls remains a common debate among experts.

What Are Fake Owls?

Raccoons can wreak havoc on homes, leaving messes in their wake. Many folks dealing with raccoon issues have turned to fake owls as a solution. These owls are made of plastic or rubber and are designed to closely mimic the owl, looking as realistic as possible.

Many homeowners place them in areas where raccoons cause the most problems, such as gardens, trash cans, and bird feeders. But do they actually work?

Use Fake Owls As Raccoon Deterrents

Galashield Owl Decoys to Scare Birds Away | Plastic Owls to Scare Birds Away | Owl Statue for Garden & Outdoors

Although fake owls can be effective in deterring some animals, like birds, they might not be as effective for scaring away raccoons. Unfortunately for irritated homeowners, raccoons are intelligent and adaptable animals, so they might quickly realize the fake owl poses no real threat.

However, some homeowners have great success with fake owls as part of their raccoon deterrent strategies. They might place the fake owl in an area where the raccoons are known to frequent, but in addition to the owl, they might add other deterrents, such as motion-activated lights or sprinklers.

The combination of deterrents can create an environment that feels unsafe for the raccoons, potentially deterring them from returning. It’s important to note that fake owls are rarely an effective solution on their own as a method of raccoon deterrence. Instead, most homeowners need to employ multiple techniques to create an effective deterrence strategy.

For example, securing trash cans, removing potential food sources, and sealing up any possible entry points into your home or garage can significantly impact the raccoon problem. If you remove the thing that is enticing the raccoons, they should no longer be a problem.

Of course, removing the attraction isn’t always an option. For example, you can’t exactly pick up your in-ground garden and cart it inside each night. So, in these situations, it’s best to employ multiple deterrents to keep the pesky visitors at bay.

If you’re dealing with a raccoon problem, it’s essential to evaluate your situation and needs to ensure you choose an effective solution. While a fake owl might be an effective solution for some homeowners, it might take more effort and multiple deterrents for optimal efficacy in other situations.


Based on the research conducted, it is clear that raccoons are indeed afraid of owls. The majority of studies and observations have shown that raccoons tend to avoid areas where owls are present and will often retreat to their dens or other safe locations when they hear or see an owl.

While there may be some individual raccoons that are not afraid of owls, the evidence suggests that this is not the norm. However, it is essential to note that raccoons may become accustomed to the presence of owls over time and may become less fearful if they do not perceive the owl as a direct threat.

Overall, it is clear that owls can be an effective deterrent for raccoons, particularly if they are causing damage or posing a threat to property or human safety. By using owl decoys or other methods to simulate the presence of owls, homeowners, and property managers can help to keep raccoons at bay and reduce the risk of damage or other problems.

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