Does Table Salt Kill Dust Mites?

Dust mites can cause skin conditions on animal and human skin and aggravate an unpleasant mite allergy. Whether brought in with pet dander or just naturally accumulating in humid environments, the presence of dust mites is never a good thing.

Finding a solution to exposure to dust mite allergens can be tricky.

Key Points:

  • Salt is a cheap and easy solution to help reduce dust mite infestations in the home.
  • There are various signs of a dust mite infestation, such as piles of dust and irritated skin.
  • In addition to salt, regular cleaning and air filters can help reduce the amount of dust and eradicate dust mites.

Dust is a part of life, and house dust mites will pop up anywhere dirt and debris have a chance to accumulate. Dust mite allergies as subtle as a stuffy nose or as severe as difficulty breathing and increased asthma attacks make finding a cheap long-term solution for these pests a must.

One solution to consider in the fight against house dust mites is common table salt.

Does it work? Let’s find out.

Will Common Salt Remove Dust Mites?

Dust Mite on Salt

Salt is an equalizer with water that strives to create a balance of salinity across an area. When table salt is placed in an area, it will draw the moisture around it into itself until all moisture in the area is as salty as the salt. If dust mites are in the area, the moisture in them will also be drawn out, leaving them dehydrated and causing death.

The effectiveness of this is dependent on how humid the environment is and how much salt is placed near the dust mites. 

Since salt is cheap and readily available, it is recommended to apply generous amounts to the area with dust mites to ensure that all the pests are killed.

When you are confident the salt has had time to work, it is recommended to clean the area thoroughly to prevent reinfestation by dust mites or inviting other pests to come feed on the dust mites that are less sensitive to salt buildup. 

How To Remove All Dust Mites with Salt?

Allergens from dust mites can pop up anywhere, in cupboards, on cooking surfaces, and even in spaces in your bathroom.

It can be hard to constantly clean all of these areas while dealing with everything life throws our way, but we can use regular table salt to work in all kinds of bugs, dust, and dust mite waste to prevent the dust mite population from growing even larger. 

While you work to create time to clean an area of your house, you can place common table salt in dust catchers and areas where dust mites like to hide and live.

Dust surfaces make dust protective for dust mites, but adding salt can remove the humidity from the dust particles and make the environment hostile to pests. 

Dust Mite Remedies

It is no wonder why you would want to get rid of any dust mites lurking in your home. They can lead to all kinds of health effects, from itchy skin to an itchy nose, and an effective solution to these pests is always appreciated.

To prevent the health risks from the dust mite enzymes in dust mite feces that cause dust mite allergy symptoms, use the following remedies in conjunction with regular salt. 

Diatomaceous EarthSprinkle DE anywhere where dust can accumulate and let it lie there until you clean and reapplyShows areas where dust is likely to accumulate by being moved by natural air currents while eliminating the chance for pests like dust mites, fleas, or bed bugs to live and breed
Boric AcidUse a powder or spray solution to reach areas where dust is likely, such as in the backs of closets, under and behind heavy furniture, and in vents and cracksAny insects that ingest boric acid will die, and the effects can be carried to other insects and colonies hiding in your home
AlcoholSpray or mop with an alcohol solution to treat areas that have recently been cleaned of large amounts of dustEven when the dust is removed, dust mites can hide and remain and wait for more food and nesting sources to come back; cleaning with alcohol can kill the stragglers and will evaporate quickly, leaving no toxic residues
VinegarAs strong as alcohol and used in much the same way, this acid will kill any insects dwelling in hard-to-reach places when applied in a concentration of at least 10% or greaterVinegar has a strong odor that can repel pests as well as extreme acidity that eats through the hard exoskeleton of bed bugs and eradicates the house dust mite population 
SunlightOpen windows and move furniture to allow natural sunlight to reach often dark and humid areas of the room while cleaning any dust and other dirtCan instantly kill many UV-sensitive pests, including dust mites, while removing places to hide and increasing the ambient temperature dramatically
Hot and Dry TreatmentsUsing heat to treat areas that are hard to reach can dry out humid areas and bring temperature levels above what is survivable to pests Once the heat treatment has begun, pests will try to flee and may be easier to trap or hit with pesticide while killing any pests that remain in the treatment area as conditions turn lethal 
Essential OilsClean with, spray, or sprinkle natural versions of essential oils that have strong insecticidal properties in areas where the nasty bugs’ dust mites live and breedNot only are most essential oils lethal in high concentrations to pests, but the aromatic and therapeutic effects of the oil can also treat the common dust allergy associated with dust mites

What Are the Signs of a Dust Mite Infestation?

There are many signs that the nasty bugs and dust mites are, have infiltrated your home and are causing health problems.

Allergens from dust mites can be severe, and if you have a bed with dust mites or bedding of dust mites in storage, these can be a serious component to dust mite allergies affecting you.

If you are experiencing any of the situations below, then you should investigate your home and find the dust mites responsible for your health effects. 

Piles of Dust

While not an immediate indicator that dust mites are around, it is safe to assume that the breeding ground is ripe ground for house dust mites to appear. To prevent the health effects, piles of dust and areas that collect dust should be cleaned every day.

To reduce the amount of dust scattered, air filters can be used to make cleaning easier and improve the overall quality of air for those sensitive to airborne dust particles. 

Irritated Skin

Dry skin and flaky skin can resemble dust to dust mites and may attract them out of being and furniture onto your skin. If the dust mites are able to bite or dig into your dry skin, they can cause nasty infections and irritation.

These rashes and bites can lead to worse health conditions, and human dander must be cleaned to prevent pests from accumulating in the home. 

Increased Respiratory Issues

If large amounts of dust are allowed to become airborne, then the small and slightly toxic mite feces and other harmful particles can be inhaled, leading to respiratory issues.

If a person in the area already suffers from repository illness, then these particles can prove dangerous and, at the very least, set off breathing problems or lead to increased asthma attacks.

If you suspect dust mites are causing these health effects, then place regular salt anywhere dust lies and kill the dust mites where they hide. 

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